Neolithic Culture

美 [ˌniːəˈlɪθɪk ˈkʌltʃər]英 [ˌniːəˈlɪθɪk ˈkʌltʃə(r)]
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Neolithic CultureNeolithic Culture
  1. Relationship Between Economic Form Transit of Neolithic Culture and Environmental Change in Liaodong Peninsula


  2. The Early Neolithic Culture and the Changes of Sea shores in the Area around the Bohai Sea


  3. On the Pedigree of the Neolithic Culture in the Middle and Lower Reaches of Yellow River


  4. Longshan culture was a late Neolithic culture centered around the central and lower Yellow River in China .


  5. The Yangshao culture was a Neolithic culture that existed extensively along the central Yellow River in China .


  6. Peiligang Culture is a middle Neolithic Culture distributing in Heluo Area .


  7. Neolithic culture and paleogeographic environment in the Zhujiang Delta


  8. The Neolithic Culture Research in the Yalu River Basin , the Tumen River Basin and the Wusuli River Basin


  9. About the Early Neolithic Culture . in North Shandong Province THE FIRST DISCOVERY OF LATE EOCENE LOCALITY OF MAMMALIAN FAUNA IN EAST CHINA


  10. Pottery ---- painted pottery and black pottery ( of the late Neolithic culture ) ---- is a kind of great invention .


  11. As part of the organic components of Neolithic culture in this region , the Neolithic animal sculpture along the Yellow River Valley had its functions and contexts .


  12. Unremitting Studying and textual research for many years , he first suggested there were Neolithic Culture in Yangtze valley . This laid the foundations of Liangzhu Culture .


  13. Painted pottery of the Neolithic culture is conducive to the study of the Neolithic cultural landscape , as well as conducive to the the entire Huai culture established .


  14. Since the end of last deglaciation , the Holocene Megathermal expanded the East Asia Monsoon circulation and the continuous climate warming promoted the prosperity of the Neolithic culture .


  15. Many different kinds of records indicated that the extreme climate event did have made a great impact on the agricultures and the Neolithic culture systems , but human have developed some adaptive strategies under the changing conditions .


  16. The Duiziling culture , taking the Duiziling site in Xiangtan county , Hunan province as the typical site , is an important part of the Neolithic culture in the Xiang River region .


  17. In this article , the Neolithic culture in the whole Northeastern area is divided into three developing stages and seven different periods according to the time order . Every time position in which the different culture existed gets confirmed one by one .


  18. The Hemudu culture ( 5000 BC to 4500 BC ) was a Neolithic culture that flourished just south of the Hangzhou Bay in Jiangnan in modern Yuyao , Zhejiang , China .


  19. The bronze culture of the ethnic groups in southwest China , which has a special position in China 's bronze culture , was formed on the late Neolithic culture and its development was under the great influence of the bronze culture of the Central Plains .


  20. As one of the most important origins of Neolithic Culture in China and economic , political and cultural centre in prehistoric China , the mid_and_down Yellow river is attached high importance by archaeological studies and environmental archaeological studies with close attention for a long time .


  21. A Brief Account of the Neolithic Age Culture in Erhai Area


  22. Here is the site FOR a very old civilization marked by the Neolithic Xiatang Culture found in Xianju , Taizhou .


  23. The author describes in detail the modelling , decoration , find conditions and structure of the Hongshan jades with three bores in the context of the unique historical background , religious beliefs and conditions of cultural transmission of the Hongshan neolithic archaeological culture .


  24. But in this long histroy the earliest suzhou jade can be traced back to 6,000 years ago in the neolithic syncretization advanced culture .


  25. Bronze Li originated from the shape of Tao Li , since Neolithic the Yangshao culture were produced until the period of the Warring States , Tao Li has been the main daily cooker . Many bronze vessels shapes are derived from pottery .


  26. As one of the most influential archaeological cultures in Neolithic Age , Hongshan culture has long been favored by academe . For its study , experts and academics have done a lot and formed a lot of research monographs .


  27. Thus findings of this first discovery of Late Neolithic sites in the upper stream of Luojiaba has provided prominent information regarding the Neolithic Culture of the Qujiang basin .
